One of the GREATEST challenges for most of us in the Kingdom of God is obtaining “HIS FAVOR”!!! Understand that the ‘favor of God’ operates and is distributed from an unseen realm.
Favor is not man made as MANY would like to think. HIS favor is found by the one who seeks it! Which implies there are a set of divine behaviors that are linked to the favor of GOD operating in your life…
“And her rival also provoked her severely, to make her miserable, because the Lord had closed her womb.”
I Samuel 1:6 KJV
Has someone else’s favor EVER irritated you more than you would care to admit? or have you experienced the backlash of the enemy through the conduits of friends, family members, and even those you barely know?
Here’s why?
Because favor has a 'flip side'.
God will utilize the favor of one person to cause another to become irritated!
There is no other feeling like that of seeing someone else in a spotlight that belonged to you OR walking through a door you should have walked through yourself. This irritation will cause the one feeling “left out” to bombard heaven and press in with asking, seeking, and knocking UNTIL there is a manifestation of the fruit of favor! Another person’s favor is the irritant that kicks out laziness and motivate slothfulness.
GOT FAVOR?! Which side of the coin are you on?
Prophetess LaTonya C. Smith